What I hope Daniel Day-Lewis says at the Oscars

Daniel Day-Lewis is the odds-on favorite to win a historic third Best Actor Oscar. I hope he will say what we thought he would say in 2008, and speak to the billion people watching on the value of his brother-in-law. Continue Reading

Does it matter if nature has a moral authority?

Spring cleaning suggests that is the season when cleaning gets done. But, as an attorney, the holidays often provide a lull where we can bring some order to the stacks of papers that have accumulated throughout the year. In doing so, I found a study that I read quite some time ago, but is one that I think you will find of note. The article's title is "Women's views on the moral status of nature in the context of prenatal screening decisions," and its authors are Elisa Garcia, Danielle Continue Reading

In Memoriam: Donna Lee Preston, An Unexpected Life

On the “About Me” page, I mention that I am involved with several organizations devoted to serving individuals with intellectual disabilities. A week ago, a member of one of those organizations passed away. Her name was Donna Lee Preston, and she lived an unexpected life. Donna was born in another era for individuals with Down syndrome. She was raised in a time when institutionalization was the medically-recommended option following birth and before the modern era of early intervention, Continue Reading

“The Gradual Trap”–Informed Consent Process: Understanding

In the first post on the Informed Consent Process, I discussed the element of voluntariness. This week's post concerns the element of "understanding" and is prompted by the recent ACOG guidelines on NIPT and an article from this Spring that introduced the notion of "the gradual trap" in the context of prenatal testing. As a reminder, the new ACOG guidelines on NIPT recognize NIPT as a valid testing method for those women considered "high-risk." Many, if not most, of those women will meet that Continue Reading