In her book, Expecting Better, Emily Oster, an economics professor at the University of Chicago, writes about lessons learned while pregnant that run counter to the conventional wisdom about prenatal care. One lesson concerns prenatal genetic testing, specifically invasive diagnostic testing. But Oster's lesson is not news, is outdated, and is incomplete. Continue Reading
Mark Leach September 5, 2013
Emily Oster’s Expecting Better, Part II: Prenatal Diagnostic Testing, not new, outdated, & incomplete
Filed Under: Informed Decision Making Tagged With: A mother's take, informed decision making, miscarriage, NIPS, prenatal testing
Mark Leach May 2, 2013
What are the odds that you are having a child with Down syndrome?

Here in my hometown, it's Derby week. With the greatest two minutes in sports upon us, it naturally has me thinking about odds. Indeed, prenatal testing for Down syndrome has that same focus. So, what are the odds that you are having a child with Down syndrome? Not only is this answer important, but it will surprise many. Continue Reading
Filed Under: Informed Decision Making, The Informed Consent Process Tagged With: Down syndrome, Informed Consent, informed decision making, miscarriage, prenatal testing, termination
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