Three years ago, Kelle Hampton burst onto the scene with a telling of how her daughter's diagnosis of Down syndrome was delivered. In a recent post, she shares how her daughter's doing now and what they've learned. Continue Reading
How do you view those labeled “handicapped”?
I was part of the generation that grew up with Mr. Rogers. In his caring way, he taught us many things. Some videos now available on YouTube share his lesson in word and deed on how to view others, particularly those with disabilities. Continue Reading
The need for care and support
This past weekend was the Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action conference. Consistent with past years, the schedule featured sharing sessions and breakouts on best practices for medical outreach and new and expectant parent support. With the advances being made in prenatal testing and research showing that the need for care and support is a key factor for expectant mothers making a decision following a prenatal diagnosis, this information is needed now more than ever. Continue Reading
Creating an ordinary life for an extraordinary person
Do you know about the TED talks? I discovered them several years ago and find them an endless source of inspiration and challenging ideas. The talk featured in this post (and at this link) is one of the best I've seen. Continue Reading