2014 Predictions Scorecard: How’d I do?

Last year, I made seven predictions of what 2014 would hold for Down syndrome prenatal testing. Let's see how I did.  Continue Reading

One-half of the problem with the new prenatal tests for Down syndrome

An investigative report calls attention to one-half of the problem with the new non-invasive prenatal screening tests for Down syndrome and other conditions.  Continue Reading

Don’t abort based on MaterniT21

Or based on Harmony, verifi, Panorama, or any of the new prenatal blood-based tests for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Abortion keeps Down syndrome births stable

As nonsensical as that headline seems, it's what's happening: abortion is keeping the number of babies born with Down syndrome at their historical annual average. This is because we would otherwise be seeing twice as many children born with Down syndrome each year. Continue Reading

It’s official: Down syndrome is not suffering

Richard Dawkins' tweet on it being immoral not to abort a pregnancy positive for Down syndrome generated many responses. A point of consensus emerged: a life with Down syndrome does not increase suffering. If anything, it increases happiness.  Continue Reading

More women aborting & continuing Down syndrome pregnancies

More women than ever are aborting pregnancies positive for Down syndrome. And, at the same time, more women than ever are choosing to continue a pregnancy positive for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Down syndrome prenatal testing should not be a public health prevention program

David A. Savitz, in an editorial commenting on the study showing Down syndrome is disappearing in Victoria, Australia, says prenatal testing should be used to eradicate Down syndrome due to widespread acceptance of selective abortion. He's not quite right. Continue Reading

Is Down syndrome a disappearing birth defect?

Based on their study of Down syndrome births and terminations in Victoria, Australia over a 19 year period, the study authors' asked whether Down syndrome is disappearing. The answer is "no … not yet." Continue Reading

Intensified prenatal testing urgently needed to bring cases of Down syndrome to nil

American researchers identify "urgent global opportunities to prevent birth defects." Guess what is included in the list of birth defects to be prevented (and how)? Continue Reading