A recent publication by my colleagues and me address the various implications of Roe v. Wade being overturned for the administration of prenatal genetic testing.
In the December 2022 edition of The Helen Journal, Stephanie Meredith, Kara Ayers, Marsha Michie, Robert Dinerstein, and myself provide quick takes on how the overturning of Roe v. Wade will affect the future administration of prenatal genetic testing. We provide perspectives from our various backgrounds, as an author of patient resources, a disability studies professor, an anthropologist & bioethicist, a lawyer & bioethicist, and a law school professor who teaches on disability rights law. With the availability of abortion now in question in several jurisdictions, we each write on what that means for administering prenatal genetic testing ethically.
It’s a quick read and super accessible online. Just under three pages, excluding citations. I welcome your thoughts and comments after you’ve read the article.
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