A webinar is now available online that covers the history of eugenics, it’s present application, and what the future holds.
The Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR), through its focus group of FAIR in Medicine, hosted a webinar on eugenics.
Mark Buchanan, MD, moderated the following panel and the topics they presented on:
Robert Graboyes, PhD: the history of eugenics
Mark Leach, JD, MA (bioethics): the modern day version of eugenics
William Hurlburt, MD: the future of eugenics
The Webinar runs for 90 minutes with each panelist addressing their topic around 15 minutes followed by a Q&A with the audience at the end.
Two of the main studies I discuss can be accessed at these posts here and here.
Being a history major, I learned a lot from Prof. Graboyes’s discussion of the history. I was aware of the Third Reich taking inspiration from the American eugenics movement, but I was unaware of it’s direct ties between Hitler and a leading American conservationist, whose book on eugenics Hitler referred to as his “Bible“.
Being not a scientist, Dr. Hurlburt’s comprehensive presentation on where and how gene-editing technology is being used for positive eugenics, i.e. development of desired traits, was eye-opening.
I hope you’ll take the time to view the webinar and feel free to leave a comment below on your thoughts or questions.
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