In New Delhi, India a baby received multiple injections of human embryonic stem cells as an experimental treatment for Down syndrome. Any ethical issues here? Continue Reading
Experimental embryonic stem cell “treatment” for Down syndrome–any ethical issues here?
News: Sequenom’s patent invalidated, Ron Burgundy commentary, & informed consent concerns raised

From the News page, some significant developments concerning cell free DNA, with commentary by Anchorman Ron Burgundy: Continue Reading
Physicians: too many doing Down syndrome prenatal testing wrong

A study of parents of children with Down syndrome reports on their experiences with finding out the diagnosis. It finds that too many physicians still are doing it wrong. Continue Reading
Breaking news: prenatal testing for Down syndrome done right from now on

Prenatal testing for Down syndrome will be done right going forward from today. Continue Reading
Prenatal testing for Down syndrome: does it respect a woman’s right to choose?

Prenatal testing for Down syndrome is ethically premised on respecting a woman's autonomy, her right to choose how to manage her pregnancy. Is that right to choose being respected if the woman does not know she had prenatal testing or does not understand the results? Continue Reading
Another year, another change in prenatal testing recommendations by ACOG

Last year, the American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) issued its position statement on non-invasive prenatal screening, recommending it be offered to high-risk expectant mothers. This year, ACOG, along with the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, recommends a new form of diagnostic testing for expectant mothers. Continue Reading
“We choose to go to the moon:” remembering John F. Kennedy, C.S. Lewis, the power of imagination, and choosing Down syndrome

Today we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a very sad day in our nation's history. The words of President Kennedy, and the words of someone else who died that same day, share a wisdom about how we should make choices for our future. Continue Reading
DoD: counseling needed for Down syndrome prenatal testing

On Monday, Veterans Day, I featured the prenatal testing guidelines for the Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Administration (VA). Those guidelines make clear the need for patient counseling when offering prenatal testing for Down syndrome and other genetic conditions. Continue Reading
What does the Department of Defense say about Down syndrome prenatal testing?

With today being Veterans Day in the United States, let's see what the Department of Defense says about prenatal testing for Down syndrome. Continue Reading
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