Last week, I attended and presented at the American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. Here is a photo tour from the conference. Continue Reading
Published! & Presenting at #ACMGMtg
The current edition of the American Journal of Bioethics Empirical Bioethics is devoted to non-invasive prenatal screening. I was fortunate to have an article published in the issue and will present part of that research at this week's American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics Annual Meeting. Continue Reading
1-in-5 pregnant women have NIPT
And Sequenom posted its first net profit last quarter. Continue Reading
Pop quiz: what’s wrong with these headlines?
News from just the past week has featured a number of questionable headlines. See if you can spot what's wrong about them. Continue Reading
Some prenatal information–just to know–is unacceptable
So says Zuzana Deans, Angus Clarke & Ainsley Newson in their article in the issue of Bioethics devoted to whether a new bioethics is needed for non-invasive prenatal screening. Continue Reading
Down syndrome: dad keeps son, a mom terminates, and a state tries to ban selective abortions
Three stories that kicked off 2015 involving Down syndrome have drawn commentary from fellow parent/bloggers worth considering: Continue Reading
What’s (still) missing from the new prenatal test
At the beginning of February, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine held its annual conference. Again it was reported that the new non-invasive prenatal test is inferior to traditional screening because it misses too many conditions. Continue Reading
What’s wrong with the Yahoo! story of why a mom terminated her pregnancy for Down syndrome
What's wrong is that the decision was made after receiving false information, not all the information, and without seeking more information. And, what's more, this is happening so often as to be the norm of how prenatal testing is administered. Continue Reading
The trade-offs of prenatal testing for Down syndrome
In the first article in the January 2015 edition of Bioethics devoted to prenatal genetic testing, Jenny Hewison addresses the psychological trade-offs pregnant women must make with prenatal testing decisions. Continue Reading
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