Our Story: D.C. & Traveling with a Child with Down syndrome (2 of 3)

This is the second of three installments about our family's recent tour of D.C. for the kids' Spring Break. The first installment provided a rundown of the many sites we visited. This post will share a message for new and expectant parents of children with Down syndrome (but others may appreciate it as well). Continue Reading

Presidents’ Day: who did the most for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilites?

It's Presidents' Day: which President did the most for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities? Continue Reading

Top Posts of 2016: Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing

Here are the top 5 posts (based on views) from 2016:  Continue Reading

Down syndrome: not a costly burden to be prevented

Research now shows that a child with Down syndrome costs less than $3 a day more in health expenses than a child without Down syndrome. This research should cause obstetricians, genetic counselors, expectant parents, and policymakers to revise their view of how costly a life with Down syndrome really is (or isn't).  Continue Reading

A new web app for Down syndrome prenatal resources

There is a new way to access in more ways than ever the most widely-recognized and acclaimed resource for parents receiving a prenatal test result for Down syndrome.  Continue Reading

Muhammad Ali and Predictions

On Friday, June 3, 2016, Muhammad Ali finished his last fight and left us. His life and how he lived it offered many lessons. Here's one on making predictions about another's life.  Continue Reading

Mary Harris’ Only Human on Down syndrome prenatal testing: corrections and appreciation

Mary Harris reported on a woman that launched the search for a prenatal test for Down syndrome. While some key corrections should be made for any future reports, overall, Harris' is a piece of reporting to be appreciated.  Continue Reading

Response to Art Caplan: provide ALL the recommended information with prenatal testing for Down syndrome

  The headline for Art Caplan’s March column for Medscape asked “Disclosing Down syndrome to pregnant patients: must you give an upside?” In it, Caplan raises concerns about recent legislative efforts concerning delivering test results for Down syndrome. His concerns, however, are not based on what those laws actually require. Continue Reading

What does your cell free DNA screen result for Down syndrome mean?

This is a question that gets asked at least once a week in a comment to one of the hundreds of posts on this blog: my blood test just came back for Down syndrome--what does it mean? Fortunately, there's an on-line tool to help understand these results.  Continue Reading