World Down Syndrome Day: Such Good News To Share


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Today is World Down Syndrome Day. I have an op-ed in our local paper; a webinar at noon on prenatal testing; a new organization supporting moms launches; and your support is needed!

March 21st was chosen as World Down Syndrome Day for 3/21 representing the genetic cause of Down syndrome, a third copy of the 21st Chromosome. Below are links and excerpts on some of the good things happening today. But first …

Support the National Center for Prenatal & Postnatal Resources

I’d like to ask for your support on this day. Next week I travel to Nashville to present a poster at the American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics. This will be my third conference since the start of 2014. I will be meeting with the non-invasive prenatal screening laboratories’ representatives, some of their highest officers. And, as at the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, and the American Society for Human Genetics, my colleague Stephanie Meredith and I will be the only parents at these industry conferences asking that the information about Down syndrome recognized by medical guidelines be provided to expectant moms undergoing prenatal testing.

Today, I will be giving my second webinar this week on prenatal testing. For Stephanie, it will be her third.

And, yesterday was devoted to the local news broadcast and today my op-ed ran on World Down Syndrome Day.

I appreciate all the “Likes,” “shares,” retweets on Twitter, and comments. They all encourage and validate the work I’m passionate about. But, passion does not afford plane tickets, hotel rooms, meals, printing costs for materials, time away from my day job and from my family.

So, if you believe in the work we are doing at the National Center for Prenatal & Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources, I hope you will take one action today, World Down Syndrome Day, and make a donation at this link. If every one who viewed my post about #DearFutureMom donated just $21, we’d raise well over $21,000 today. While that would be awesome, I don’t think it’s realistic. But I do think raising $2,100 is realistic today. Will you help us reach that goal? If so, then please make your donation at this link. Thank you in advance.

Good News to Share

There are a lot of good things happening today on World Down Syndrome Day. Here’s just some of them:

People with Down syndrome are just like you – unique.

Our local newspaper, the Courier-Journal, ran my op-ed today. Thanks to Pam Platt the editor for making only one change to my submission: improving the title of the piece! You can read the full op-ed at this link (and see the cutest picture on the internet). My conclusion:

On this World Down Syndrome Day, that is what I hope readers appreciate about those living a life with Down syndrome: they are just like you. They are individuals. They are unique. Like you, they will need help and support.

And, if more of us provide that help, that support, and take the time to get to know those with Down syndrome, hopefully there will be fewer of the awful news headlines, and more of the amazingly good ones.

If you would like a fully-annotated version of the op-ed with links, e-mail me at

321 e-Conference webinar on prenatal testing & medical outreach today at 12 pm, EST

Today at noon, Stephanie and I will be presenting a webinar as part of the inaugural 321 e-Conference. Our topic is “The New Prenatal Testing and Engaging in Meaningful Medical Outreach.” Registration for our session is only $7. You can register at this link. We hope you’ll join us during your lunch hour (on the east coast) or during your morning (elsewhere).

Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network launches

Today, the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network (DSDN) officially launches. The DSDN is an organization founded by new moms who want to provide the support and information they either appreciated receiving (when they actually did) or wish they had (when they didn’t) when they found out their child had Down syndrome. One of the founding moms for the DSDN, Jenny Jacobs, has collected stories from new and expectant parents, as well, and made them available in a collection called “Unexpected.” I encourage you to find out more about the DSDN and keep it in mind should you be a new or expectant mother, or have a loved one that is. More about the DSDN in this news report from today.

Happy World Down Syndrome Day–thank you for helping us reach our goal!

Enjoy today and please share about your experience with Down syndrome with those you know. I appreciate all who contribute (at this link) to help raise $2,100 today for the National Center for Prenatal & Postnatal Down Syndrome Resources.